Gabrielle A Russo
my reviews on
'Mammals in Motion' class trip to the Bronx Zoo
I teach several undergraduate courses in the Department of Anthropology at Stony Brook University:
- ANP 120.01 Introduction to Biological Anthropology
- ANP 120.30 Introduction to Biological Anthropology online*
- ANP 404 Human Osteology
- ANP 410 Comparative Primate Anatomy*
And, a first year seminar through the Science
and Society Undergraduate College:
- SSO 102.15 Mammals in Motion*
I also teach the following IDPAS graduate courses:
- DPA/ANT 565 Human Evolution
- DPA/ANT 591 Professional Skills in the Anthropological
Sciences I (with Andreas Koenig)*
- DPA/ANT 592 Professional Skills in the Anthropological
Sciences II (with Andreas Koenig)*